About Us

The Jackson County Historical Society is a registered 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Educational and Literary Organization. An annually-elected, all-volunteer board meets each month to review operational procedures and to recommend policies. The Society is overseen and staffed by unpaid volunteers. Two to four people are usually available to assist patrons with research. Other volunteers collect and compile data, answer queries, and prepare publications. Over 30 publications have been compiled and published by volunteers throughout the years. 

Collections include surname, cemetery and subject files; microfilmed newspapers; hard copy materials such as birth, death, marriage, church and physicians’ records, an obituary collection, plat books, and Sanborn Insurance Company maps; searchable computer databases; original courthouse records dating from 1843, including probate records, guardianship records, wills and various county treasurer ledgers; a large photograph/postcard/slide collection; a textile collection which includes period pieces dating from as early as the 1850s; and many artifacts such as items from past County businesses, Indian relics, Apple Festival archives and artifacts, and a growing map collection. A good portion of our file contents and legal records are unique and cannot be found in any other facility or library. 

 The Society receives income from research services provided to the public; publications; donations; and grants. That income is used to pay utilities, insurance, and operating expenses. All remaining funds are applied to historic preservation projects. 

The Society is overseen by an elected board of directors and operates by a written Constitution. 

Jackson County Historical Society 
1616 Edith Street, 
Muphysboro, IL 62966 
(618) 684-6989 

1616 Edith Street
Murphysboro, IL 62966
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People Wanted

Tech-Savvy Volunteers! if you know your way around computers, and would like to help, please let us know!

Volunteers are needed for various other projects! If you have an interest in local history or other skills you can contribute, we'd like to hear from you! Please phone our office at 618-684-6989