We have a large selection of historic maps for the area

Maps compressed for web


The Society's map collection includes 300+ documents ranging from the mid-1800's to the late 1990's.  One will find geological surveys; plat maps of Jackson County's towns and townships as well as plat maps of neighboring counties' towns and townships; plat maps of Jackson County cemeteries; general highway maps; Mississippi River navigation charts; railroad map; surveys; Shawnee National Forest maps; topographic maps; Kinkaid Lake survey documents; and Greater Egypt Regional Planning & Development Commission documents.


1616 Edith Street
Murphysboro, IL 62966
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People Wanted

Tech-Savvy Volunteers! if you know your way around computers, and would like to help, please let us know!

Volunteers are needed for various other projects! If you have an interest in local history or other skills you can contribute, we'd like to hear from you! Please phone our office at 618-684-6989