Policy Statement

The Jackson County Historical Society is a non-profit organization, dedicated to the collection and preservation of information relating to the history of Jackson County. It is our desire to make our collections available to the public. However, some materials are one of a kind or are not readily available elsewhere. Therefore, the materials need to be protected.

The Society owns its facility and depends on gifts, donations and membership fees in order to make collections available. Fees collected for research, photocopies, and other services are used to pay operating expenses. While we recognize that digital cameras, cell phone cameras and hand-held scanners are now commonly used in everyday life, for the previously-stated reasons, our Board hopes that folks appreciate the costs of collecting and managing our contents. We encourage you to become a member, support our efforts and pay for the intellectual property housed within our collections.


  • Notebooks
  • Laptops
  • Photo Copying Material
  • Cell Phone Cameras


  • Briefcases
  • Digital Cameras
  • Flash Photography
  • Hand-Held Scanners
  • "Corrections" to material by patrons
(*Materials may be copied for publication, but only with permission and full credit given to the “Jackson County Historical Society, Murphysboro, IL 62966”)
  • Cost of copies per page*:
  • birth/marriage/death records
  • All other documents
  • Members
  • $3.00
  • $2.00
  • Non-Members
  • $4.00
  • $3.00
The purpose of this statement is to make the terms of use clear to all. Copyright infringement will be vigorously pursued.

1616 Edith Street
Murphysboro, IL 62966
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People Wanted

Tech-Savvy Volunteers! if you know your way around computers, and would like to help, please let us know!

Volunteers are needed for various other projects! If you have an interest in local history or other skills you can contribute, we'd like to hear from you! Please phone our office at 618-684-6989